Ethics and AI

With the value of real-time data access so evident during this pandemic, the conversation on AI has become amplified X-fold across healthcare systems, Research, and Pharma (‘Healthcare’). Great news for many among you. But you can make an even deeper contribution by committing to the drive for ethics.

Ethics relates to how, in the absence of any framework, all stakeholders can work to set clear parameters on the safe adoption and integration of AI – to build towards consistency across real-world settings (clinical and in the community), discovery research, and smart city design.

No-one is suggesting that tech solutions have been sold on hype. But since regulators are deemed to not yet have all of the appropriate skills to evaluate good AI, Healthcare is taking ownership, to scrutinise validity and tech impact across the AI life cycle.

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Pharma’s High Stakes in DTx and Mental Health | Otsuka’s Mixed Run

Pharma’s Stake in the Ground

Since mental health treatment has until recently received relatively poor coverage, it’s no wonder that the role ‘Big Pharma’ has played has largely gone unnoticed, particularly among the public.

For good reason: a drugs pipeline that has not developed any breakthroughs in decades; a reluctance to commit to R&D investment to understand how psychiatric medications work; a collective portfolio of generic medications to cover a broad spectrum of mental health conditions. Consequently, not only have patients been exposed to a reliance among providers to over-medicate, too many have not had their case management reviewed regularly, leading to poor outcomes.         

But the perfect storm that has rattled across the Pharma sector in recent years has triggered some remarkable mental health interventions that offer alternative pathways. The enabler – digital therapeutics (DTx).

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