Taking Your Provider Relationship to the Next Level

Despite several ‘big story’ headlines over the last few weeks, slamming both the enterprise and health tech sectors for their arrogance in thinking they can crack Healthcare simply, providers do appreciate the value in working with the vendor community.  

Equally positively, as more advance along their Transformational and digital journey, they now recognise the need to shift from a transactional to a collaborative relationship: that they too have a role to play to ensure a tech partnership is successful; that they must better articulate their needs.  

But there is a big ask from you too, the vendor.

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Nokia and Equideum Health Create New Dimensions with Blockchain

I’ve been lukewarm to the blockchain push in Healthcare, and sceptical on its positioning as a gateway to interoperability.

Despite some success, we’ve not seen anything like the groundswell projected. Was blockchain considered a step too far, or a nice to have ‘icing on the cake’ when in reality the cake hadn’t yet been baked?

And yet, Q1 2022 has been marked by a few noteworthy alliances – looking at the bigger picture through a pragmatic lens, without sensationalism.

‘Noteworthy’ given the names involved. One is Nokia (with its Bell Labs R&D arm) and Equideum Health – formerly blockchain specialist ConsenSys Health,  led by the experienced Heather Leigh Flannery, ex-Hashed Health.

Today it’s at pre-launch stage, initially US-focussed, so I’ll return as it evolves, as I still have questions.    

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