About You

Who I Work Best With

  • You’re the incumbent in your sector. But you’ve noticed that others, including newcomers, are threatening your lead.
  • You have an orphan product, that’s ‘good enough’ but you’re not sure how to ensure its future, or whether it even has one.

  • You’ve delivered some great impactful projects with innovative clients, but you’re struggling to scale.
  • You enjoy considerable success in your home market, and now want to make a compelling entry in another country or region with your clinical-grade solutions. Where and how should you prioritise your investment? Which components will hit the mark?

  • You feel you have more to offer across the HLS landscape, but aren’t sure what direction to pursue.
  • You’ve recruited a new enterprise Sales team and injected fresh leadership. Not all of them have a Healthcare or Life Sciences background. You need to set expectation.
  • You’re a telco, intent on crafting a dedicated Healthcare service. You need strong contextualised input and guidance.

Your Commitment to Me

When you engage me to work with you, you understand that any aspect of your business is up for scrutiny.

Of course, you’re committed. But you need to keep hitting targets. Yet your growth strategy has either stalled or seems jaded. Should you expand your clinical installed base at cross-departmental level, tap into aligned adjacencies, or go full-throttle and target Life Sciences and Pharma?

You know that cloud, interoperability, and connectivity are not strategies. You see that the big conversations are geared to ‘Data’ ML/AI, Edge, IoT, Security, and 5G. But where do they fit in your portfolio? And in a context that supports your client base, since they certainly don’t plan and procure this way.

Should you commit to supporting digitally immature providers or clusters to align technology to their operational transformation; mid-level mature organisations to further evolve; or go all out and pursue strategically ambitious organisations and health systems with real-world partners that are at the top end of the innovation spectrum?

Are you the brand that resolves clients’ headaches or creates new ones? Only honest introspection across your teams and partner base will reveal your true value, what’s great about your business, and where you need to start over – to evolve and fuel the next phase of your growth.

Explore the Simply Experiential™ Framework

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