Using Health Data for Research and Analysis | The Ben Goldacre Review of the NHS

The just-published review, “Better, Broader, Safer” relates specifically the NHS and its technology and HLS partners, but it’s equally applicable to every other entity across the data ecosystem that wants a working or commercial relationship with the NHS – the start-up community, telcos, social care, and private healthcare. In one way or another, all these relationships are bound by a need to share existing data and generate new data and forge insight.

Many of the widely respected author Ben Goldacre’s recommendations are already (independently) being applied in pockets of Europe and the US.  

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Value-Based Contracting is the New Sustainable | Is the Tech Community Ready?

Value over Costs | Outcomes over Processes  

Sustainability will be key across Healthcare in 2022, and many are backing value-based care as the route to survival, post-pandemic and beyond. This time it’s different – an international movement is driving this. You need to sign up.    

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How to Support Healthcare’s Rising Star – The CIO

All Hail the CIO!  

More Health and Life Sciences (HLS) leaders now appreciate that ‘digital’ is a living breathing culture that empowers during volatility, uncertainty, and complexity. The CIO has emerged from the pandemic as a hero. As they start to re-evaluate priorities over the next three years and determine their future vision, they’ll need you more than ever.

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Smart Healthy Cities | A Welsh Exemplar

Sustaining Our Communities Through Networked Wellbeing Villages

It’s a bold promise to offer personalised, preventive, integrated healthcare & wellbeing within a socially cohesive community. The Welsh regenerative project, Pentre Awel, aims to deliver.  

Unlike projects such as Saudi Arabia’s NEOM City, this is tailored to supporting the local community’s needs- high deprivation, unemployment, an ageing population, and chronic co-morbidity. Geared to be high-tech and high-touch, participatory care, shared facilities, and telemedicine will be standard.

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Pharma’s High Stakes in DTx and Mental Health | Otsuka’s Mixed Run

Pharma’s Stake in the Ground

Since mental health treatment has until recently received relatively poor coverage, it’s no wonder that the role ‘Big Pharma’ has played has largely gone unnoticed, particularly among the public.

For good reason: a drugs pipeline that has not developed any breakthroughs in decades; a reluctance to commit to R&D investment to understand how psychiatric medications work; a collective portfolio of generic medications to cover a broad spectrum of mental health conditions. Consequently, not only have patients been exposed to a reliance among providers to over-medicate, too many have not had their case management reviewed regularly, leading to poor outcomes.         

But the perfect storm that has rattled across the Pharma sector in recent years has triggered some remarkable mental health interventions that offer alternative pathways. The enabler – digital therapeutics (DTx).

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The Quantum Leap for Mankind that Healthtech Incumbents Must Make | Part 2: Delivering Trusted Experiences with Federated Learning

Trust By Design

AI has underwhelmed Healthcare to-date, provoking more than encouraging. But a deep learning paradigm, Federated Learning (FL), offers the framework that Healthcare needs to overcome trust deficits, harness data silos, and embed privacy and security. At scale and pace. The game changer? Healthcare is orchestrating this shift, aided by a new breed of healthtech bellwethers. As incumbent healthtechs, more of you now need to prepare for the direct and indirect impact on your portfolios.   

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The Quantum Leap for Mankind that Healthtech Incumbents Must Trigger – Part 1 | Tapping into Adjacent Sectors

Healthtech incumbents, I hate to cloud your moment in the sun. Healthcare remains on the brink. Pushing it to ‘ride the waves of digital disruption’ won’t cut it anymore.

Amid all the talk of reimagining, I see little from you to inspire. If we continue at this pace, every aspect of transformation will seem like a moonshot.

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